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The Russian tour of the band Blended 328 started in Taganrog

June 10, 2013: June 7 American band Blended 328 performed on stage of the Taganrog Municipal House of Culture within the framework of their world tour. This was the group's first concert in Russia. The Nashville-based band created a new form of country music and tours the country thanks to support of the U.S.Embassy in Moscow.

Blend 328 in front of the Taganrog House of Culture

The musicians are planning to visit more than 50 countries and have already been praised by folk-rock fans not only in Tennessee, but in many countries where they performed. "Now we know that music in country-style is international and can be easily understood worldwide. We have just arrived from a tour across Pakistan and we were amazed by how well we were received" told Gabe Jordan, one of the founding members of the band - We hope that Russian public will enjoy our concerts."

The concert in Taganrog was a success. After Taganrog the Blended 328 went for a concert to Rostov on Don. Concerts in 9 cities will be given within the framework of the Russian tour that will end in Moscow.